Auction Catalog

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Fund-an-item: Playground Renovat...


Childcare @ The Auction

Cedar River Montessori

Bring your child for a fun-filled night in the same building as the auction!

  • For kids 3 years and up (through elementary) and FULLY potty trained
  • Child care starts at 4:45 (auction opens at 5:00)
  • Pizza, cheese sticks, apples, carrots, juiceboxes, etc. will be served at 6:00.
  • Games, activities, movies and more!
  • Staff are background checked child care workers (plus a CRMS staff member to lead)
  • Auction expected to end around 9:00 pm.
  • All guests and volunteers to be out of the building by 9:30pm.

Bring your child for a fun-filled night in the same building as the auction!

  • For kids 3 years and up (through elementary) and FULLY potty trained
  • Child care starts at 4:45 (auction opens at 5:00)
  • Pizza, cheese sticks, apples, carrots, juiceboxes, etc. will be served at 6:00.
  • Games, activities, movies and more!
  • Staff are background checked child care workers (plus a CRMS staff member to lead)
  • Auction expected to end around 9:00 pm.
  • All guests and volunteers to be out of the building by 9:30pm.

Bring your child for a fun-filled night in the same building as the auction!

  • For kids 3 years and up (through elementary) and FULLY potty trained
  • Child care starts at 4:45 (auction opens at 5:00)
  • Pizza, cheese sticks, apples, carrots, juiceboxes, etc. will be served at 6:00.
  • Games, activities, movies and more!
  • Staff are background checked child care workers (plus a CRMS staff member to lead)
  • Auction expected to end around 9:00 pm.
  • All guests and volunteers to be out of the building by 9:30pm.

$20 Gift Certificate to iSushi (2)


$50 Gift Card to NYP (2)

NYP Bar and Grill

Soap Making Party for Four

Amy Le

Upper Elementary Raffle Ticket

Upper Elementary


Friends of CRMS

Heads or Tails Game

Friends of CRMS

Dessert Dash


Each person at your table is invited to participate in the Dessert Dash.  Simply write your bidder number and the amount* you would like to contribute for your table and enjoy delicious desserts**.

Once everyone at the table has had a chance to bid, please write in the total amount at the bottom.  Remember, the table with the HIGHEST combined bidding amount will be allowed to choose their dessert FIRST!

Please select a representative from your table to officially choose your desired dessert. 

*Each bidder will be charged the individual amount they bid.  **All desserts can be previewed at the Dessert Dash Table.  

Each person at your table is invited to participate in the Dessert Dash.  Simply write your bidder number and the amount* you would like to contribute for your table and enjoy delicious desserts**.

Once everyone at the table has had a chance to bid, please write in the total amount at the bottom.  Remember, the table with the HIGHEST combined bidding amount will be allowed to choose their dessert FIRST!

Please select a representative from your table to officially choose your desired dessert. 

*Each bidder will be charged the individual amount they bid.  **All desserts can be previewed at the Dessert Dash Table.  

Each person at your table is invited to participate in the Dessert Dash.  Simply write your bidder number and the amount* you would like to contribute for your table and enjoy delicious desserts**.

Once everyone at the table has had a chance to bid, please write in the total amount at the bottom.  Remember, the table with the HIGHEST combined bidding amount will be allowed to choose their dessert FIRST!

Please select a representative from your table to officially choose your desired dessert. 

*Each bidder will be charged the individual amount they bid.  **All desserts can be previewed at the Dessert Dash Table.